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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sit amet mi ullamcorper, feugiat massa id, condimentum ex. Sed mollis, mauris at posuere volutpat, lorem sapien aliquet elit, non rhoncus mauris odio vel mi. Curabitur fermentum ligula magna, nec iaculis odio blandit semper. Suspendisse commodo ullamcorper odio ac lacinia.
Ut maximus at ligula sed dapibus. Etiam et ipsum in diam facilisis iaculis at eu neque. Nulla porttitor, leo eget luctus ultrices, nibh risus pharetra lorem, ut tempus turpis tortor ac tellus. Phasellus sollicitudin non lorem eget tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer pharetra tellus et libero gravida convallis. Nunc nec neque sodales ligula tempus sodales. Nunc sollicitudin mi sed fringilla molestie. Nullam sit amet justo id nulla malesuada posuere. Aenean eu arcu non lectus pretium vestibulum sit amet et justo.
Sed orci quam, ultrices et mauris quis, semper suscipit lacus. Nulla eu dictum justo. Aliquam ornare velit nec mauris sollicitudin, feugiat volutpat ligula consequat. Phasellus eu nibh magna. Vivamus quis suscipit enim, sed sodales erat. Phasellus odio justo, fermentum at velit ac, hendrerit efficitur velit. Quisque molestie turpis diam, quis placerat ante tincidunt vitae. Suspendisse vitae velit ex. Donec a laoreet lectus. Suspendisse vel tempor purus, venenatis tempus mauris. In a urna in massa tristique cursus. Fusce ac sodales dui. Maecenas euismod purus eu dui pretium pretium. Nulla feugiat, sem ut bibendum mattis, eros nunc congue tortor, sed tincidunt lorem libero ut metus.
Vivamus suscipit, quam at tempor ultricies, leo neque euismod nunc, nec mattis lectus nunc et nulla. Aenean quis dui sodales, bibendum velit quis, aliquam sem. Fusce ac neque quis massa congue interdum in at magna. Sed vel hendrerit metus, at tincidunt nisi. Integer aliquam egestas augue, accumsan hendrerit mi condimentum non. Donec vel imperdiet urna. Vestibulum tristique, mauris at pellentesque vulputate, leo augue posuere arcu, vel congue nisl mauris sed augue. Nulla viverra commodo odio, at imperdiet dolor ultrices vitae. Nullam libero quam, suscipit ac laoreet at, ullamcorper a arcu.
- All registered players of are eligible to take part in the Daily Tournaments.
- The Daily Tournaments start at xx:00 and end at xx:59, at which point the players at the top of the leaderboard in prize winning positions will receive their prizes.
- The Tournament games are subject to change and it is advised to always check which games are included in the current Daily Tournament on the tournament page or the tournament filter.
- The Prizes for the top positions can be seen on the Tournament Page.
- The player at the top of the leaderboard will be the player with the biggest win multiplier during the tournament period (win / bet = win multiplier).
- Should 2 or more players have the same win multiplier they will be ordered on the leaderboard by the time they achieved the win multiplier, with the first player to reach it appearing before the next.
- If 2 or more players have the same win multiplier and 1 or more of them are in a prize winning position on the leaderboard the prize or prizes will be divided equally between them.
- Players that are on Loyalty Level 6 or higher will be enrolled in the Top Daily Tournament where the prizes are bigger. Players below level 6 will participate in the normal Daily Tournament.
- Players below Loyalty Level 6 can buy 48 hour access to the Top Daily Tournament by exchanging X Diamonds earned through the Experience Club.
- reserves the right to block individual players from the Daily Tournaments at any time, for any reason and without any notice.
- reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Daily Tournaments at any time and without any notice.
- General Terms & Conditions for apply.